Hot Water Heater Leaks: What's Causing Your Appliance To Leak?
If you depend on your hot water heater for everything you do in the home, it can be disheartening when the appliance suddenly leaks. Although your situation may frustrate you, you can take steps to remedy the issue. Learn why hot water heaters leak and who you should turn to for answers about your appliance below.
What's Behind the Sudden Leak?
Hot water heaters are some of the most used appliances in the home. Along with high usage, age and mechanical failure can also damage the parts inside hot water heater tanks. Leaks are some of the most critical signs of a hot water heater problem.
Several important things can trigger leaks in your hot water heater, including loose pipe fittings and damaged heating element gaskets. The pipe fittings supporting the water lines attached to your hot water appliance can rust and loosen up. Water will spray out of the damaged fittings every time you use your water heater. The gaskets supporting the heating element inside the tank can also break or tear. The damage will cause water to leak internally and externally from the tank.
It's also possible for the tank to leak small amounts of water during the day. Aging hot water heater tanks can corrode and eventually leak over time. If you notice water leaking from the base or top of the tank, call a plumber immediately.
Who Can You Ask for Help?
The first thing a plumbing contractor might do is check the pipe fittings and heating element gaskets for damage. If the fittings or gaskets show signs of damage, a contractor will replace the structures. If the fittings and gaskets check out fine during the inspection, a plumber will examine the hot water tank.
Any area of the tank could be corroded or damaged by rust. If the damage is fairly small, a contractor may attempt to seal it. If the damage is extensive enough to disrupt water flow into your home, a contractor will offer to replace the appliance. It may be in your family's best interest to replace the hot water heater.
Your new hot water heater should feature a tank that's large enough to support the cleaning, cooking, and showering needs of your family. If the tank is too small, it may not contain or produce enough hot water to sustain your family during the year. The tank may give out from the stress.
If your hot water heater tank or the parts inside it leak, contact a hot water tank service for assistance today.